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orientations : a layer of breath (2002)

An installation of 700 pieces of inflatables, 25 cm x 25 cm x 25 cm each, a line of powder text, 18 m long


Site + Sight, translating cultures, Asian Civilisation Museum, Singapore, 2002       



This an installation of any number of transparent cubes, breath-inflated.  Participants were invited to fill up a cube up with his/her breath, engaging in a process that involves the inhalation of oxygen and the expulsion of carbon dioxide and probably other oral fluids.  Eventually, the "immaterialness" of the air in the space becomes replaced/displaced by human breath laden with significant DNA matter.  Surrounding the space is a continuous line of text spelled out using powder; light, precarious and easily impermanent.   


This work was inspired by Piero Manzoni.



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